What kind of flashbacks you get when thinking of adventurous episodes enjoyed at water parks with family and friends? If you’re old enough to recollect your memories, you would always find yourself surrounded by people in waiting line for water slide ride. And, what about children?
I wonder what kind of energies bewitch children the most! Well, it is not like that I am or you’re not attracted to water park, but there are valid studies that show kids are more attracted than elder ones. Water park is undeniably the most favorite amongst children as if they would visit every next day if given permission to do so.
Whenever you visit a water park, you are bound to have beautiful visuals of contrasting colours-made playthings, such as Kid’s water slide, multi-lane slides and water coaster. And, it’s must that we don’t miss out the Water Park Umbrella plaything that lures younger kids the most. Why this is the special one? What benefits does it offer to children? And, if you are unsure of what type of umbrella to choose, then this 3-minute-read blog is specially for you only.
Brief Description
The Water Park Umbrella is a special design to raise the excitement and thrill level of not only kids, but also adults. Tradeindia offers age-friendly umbrella for kids, adults and senior citizens. Generally, the main portion (mushroom-shaped umbrella) is constructed of FRP (fibre-reinforced plastic) with its pole/rod made of metal such as stainless steel or mild steel.
Installed in water park, residential swimming pools, amusement parks, commercial swimming pools, and resorts, this plaything is available in various sizes, heights (such as 6 ft, 8 ft & 10 ft), printing designs, and colours (such as red, pink, yellow, blue, purple, green). Kids enjoy and play while water sprinkles over them in continuous speed.

How Does It Works?
The water park umbrella has an integrated water pump that functions by continuously dispensing water downward at high speed through the water nozzles in the umbrella, creating a 360-degree water layer under which standing kids play and enjoy. The whole facility has smooth and fine surface finish, such as painted, coated and galvanized (rod), in order to make it highly resistant to UV rays, corrosion, rust, tear, wear and other negative impacts.
Advantages:- This plaything’s surface treatment aid in increasing its functional life to more than 25 years straight. Its material is strong, rigid and unbreakable; it is resistant to corrosion, rust, sunlight, wear, tear and other impacts; available in various colours like red, green, yellow, blue etc., with or without dotted prints and other prints.
Counts of Advantages To Kids
No wonder why kids are naturally attracted to this plaything. Water Park Umbrella happen to offer various benefits which is the reason behind why it’s a favorite plaything for kids around the world. Such benefits include:-
- Body balance and grip strength: Kids manages to stand under it with continuous water flow throughout their body till toes.
- Increasing strength and flexibility: It also offers excellent muscle strength and flexibility as human body starts developing at an early age.
- Developing social skills: Kids make new friends, play and talk with them that develop a sense of social awareness, empathy, and patience.
Its benefits do not limit to what I wrote in this blog, but its limit ranges to the sky under which professionals and businesspersons are promising new-generation products to their clients. Explore various top-notch Water Park Umbrella manufacturers, suppliers and dealers in India and raise your business standards.